September’s Online Meetup

Greeting Fellow Shutterbugs,

Great meeting this morning.  Thank you to all that attended.

We viewed the August Virtual Meet Up Photo Project – Tell Us Your Story –  thanks to all participants.  We were visually entertained with a host of photo stories!  Here is the You Tube link:

The video is also available on the SWF Shutterbugs Facebook Page – see below for the page link.

We had an in depth presentation on this months photo project – Photographing Patterns, Form and Texture –  Special thanks to Chris Stratton and Deb Owen for their informative sessions on Macro Photography which generated a very useful conversation from the group.  All walked away with new knowledge we can use for this months project:  Photographing Patterns, Form and Textures.  The Meet Up Announcement link is available here:

Let’s S T R E T C H our creative abilities and capture great photos for this month’s project!  Perhaps even setting up your own pattern masterpiece as discussed this morning!

Link to help you with the project is here:

Chris Stratton’s video on Macro Photography is here:

Thanks again to all our participants!  Our next meeting will be Saturday, October 3rd 10AM on Jitsi Meet.  Will send the link 30 minutes prior to the meeting.

Best Regards and Happy Shooting,

Your Organizer Team

Linda, Deb, Sam, Doug, Chris and John