October Photo Contest – Motion
Hello SWFL Shutterbugs – get ready for our next photo contest! Due September 29th by 9PM – send your jpeg files to swflshutterbugs@gmail.com Note: there is NO location for this event! Photos are collected and then judging will take place the following Saturday at our monthly Brunch & Cameras Meeting!
Here is a recap of the slides we viewed at the meeting for this contest. This will require a bit of attention and study on your part. Motion photography is rarely a slam dunk one shot affair! Tip: Read the website material, view the videos, take notes, practice practice practice, take your prize winning masterpiece and then submit by September 29th
Website : https://digital-photography-school.com/a-beginners-to-capturing-motion-in-your-photography/
Happy Shooting!
Your Organizer Team
Linda, Deb, Sam, Doug Chris and John