Feb 1st Meeting 2020 – A Walk on the Wildside

Meeting Recap Brunch and Cameras February 1 2020

We had a terrific turnout for our meeting today at K&J Steakhouse!  Welcome to all our new members and guests.

Con gratulations to our 2st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners for the February Photo Contest Take A Walk on the Wild Side

1st Place Kathy Seguin

2nd Place Peter Spangler

3rd Place Jim DeLuco

Photo entries from all our members is available on the Meet Up site under Photos Tab and the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SWFShutterBugs/

Our January Meet Ups included the Babcock Ranch Eco Tour Jan 11th and The SWFL Shutterbugs Picnic  Jan 18th   Thank you for our members who posted photos to the New Album Members Photo Album (Charles Flum, Mille Hammil Spangler, Gary Randall, Hartley Gardner, and Janet Wilson   –

Videos for all of the Meet Up events and the New Album Members Photos available on the Facebook Page same link as above.

We had a video and discussion of the DSLR versus Mirrorless Cameras – regardless of which one you desire/like the important thing is to get out and use it!   Here is the You Tube Video link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy8Onq4F2g8

March Photo Contest Due March 1st – What’s in the Shadows – we always concentrate on light! Your challenge – use the shadows to create a masterpiece!  Here are some tools to help you compose that winning entry!

Working With Shadows in Your Photography https://contrastly.com/working-with-shadows-in-your-photography/


Doug McKinney by Adorama

Omar Gonzales Photography

Next Meet Ups in February:

1st Brunch & Cameras

5th Dinner & A Print

7th Macro Photography Lesson

7th Fort Myers Art Walk

11th Video Bugs

15th Collaborative Photography

22nd Intermediate Photography Class

29th Burrowing Owl Festival

March 1st Photo Contest Entries Due _ What’s In the Shadows

Please RSVP on the Meet Up site for each event you are planning to attend. If you need to cancel kindly take your name off the list again at the Meet Up site for each event.  Thnak you.

See you at our upcoming meet ups and of course at our next Brunch and Cameras which will be on March 7th 2020 @ K&J Steakhouse!

Best Regards and Happy Shooting,

Your Organizer Team

Linda, Deb, Sam, Doug Chris and John
