Upcoming trips

Where are we going and doing on our photo meet ups? A lot of places! Here is a review of our meet up plans for August through December:

August 2022

August 1st – August Photo Contest Announced, “Under Construction” You have until August 28th to craft your prize-winning photo. See the link for information and to RSVP!

Artsy and Sunset Photo Shoot at Matlacha , Sat, Aug 13, 2022, 5:30 PM | Meetup

Saturday, August 13th – Artsy and Sunset Photo Shoot at Matlacha. See the link for information and to RSVP!

Artsy and Sunset Photo Shoot at Matlacha , Sat, Aug 13, 2022, 5:30 PM | Meetup

Saturday, August 20th – It’s Your Turn. Want to learn how to use flash with a hands on session? Attend Kevin Boller’s Class at Leigh Acres. See the link for information and to RSVP!

It’s Your Turn! , Sat, Aug 20, 2022, 1:00 PM | Meetup

August 28th – August Photo Contest Entry Due.

September 2022

September Photo Contest TBA on September 1st

Saturday, September 3rd – Brunch & Cameras at K&J 9:30 AM Invite sent today!

Brunch and Cameras at K&J , Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 9:30 AM | Meetup

Saturday, September 10th – It’s Dinner and a Sunset Cruise at Fort Myers Beach. Invite has been sent please make sure to make your cruise reservation before making an RSVP. Reserve early it’s first come first serve. See the link for information and to RSVP!

Sight Sea R Sunset Cruise , Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 5:30 PM | Meetup

Saturday, September 20th – Kevin Boller’s Collaborative Photography Class Subject TBA

Sunday, September 25th – September Photo Contest Entry Due.

Photo Meet Up Venues – October, November, December

October – Florida Train Museum and Train Ride _ Parrish FL

November – Sarasota Jungle Gardens – Sarasota FL

December – Christmas Holiday Lights (evening meet up) Peace River Botanical Gardens.

Will also look to have an intermediate photography class in November.

Dinner and A Print in November

Sunset Cruise – Sight Sea September 10 6:45PM

It’s Dinner & A Cruise! Photo Op for sunset, water views, dolphins, island views and much more.

Please RSVP to this event NLT (No Later Than) August 28th to verify head count. Thank you.
Suggest you obtain your cruise reservation first before RSVP to this invite. See information below.
It’s Dinner & A Cruise!

You will need to make a reservation for the Sight Sea R Sunset Cruise. We have dinner reservations already in advance.

  1. Go to the Sight Sea R Sunset Cruise Website Site Sea-R Cruises | Sunset & Dolphin Tours Fort Myers Beach (sightseaflorida.com)
  2. Click on BOOK MY CRUISE in top right-hand corner
  3. On the right-hand side of the new window click on Book for the Island Sunset Celebration Cruise
  4. A new window opens with a calendar view. Go to the September calendar view.
  5. Click on September 10 6:45PM Island Sunset Celebration
  6. New Window opens to set up your reservation follow the prompts.
If you are having difficulty booking through the website here is the telephone number
(239) 765-7272

Don’t forget to RSVP to this invitation once you have your reservation in place.

If needed, you can obtain a refund up to the day before the cruise event.

We will meet for dinner first at 5;30PM at Parrot Key Caribbean Island Grill right next door to our cruise port. Waterfront Dining | Parrot Key Caribbean Grill (myparrotkey.com)
A confirmed reservation for dinner for 15 people for September 10th at 5:30PM is already in place.
2500 Main Street
Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931
(239) 463-3257

August 2022 Meeting Recap

Thanks to all attendees that made our Saturday meeting such a huge success.  We had 20+ in attendance and covered a lot of ground.

First, CONGRATULATIONS to our July Photo Contest Winners:

July Photo Contest – Reflections In or On Glass

1st Place Fanny Khune

2nd Place Linda Normoyle

Tied for 3rd Fran Pastore and Kevin Boller

All entries can be viewed on our You Tube Page here is the link: (2) July Photo Contest – Reflections In or On Glass – YouTube

The SWFL Shutterbugs also stormed Solomons Castle on July 16th!  Here are the photos they captured:  (2) Solomon’s Castle Meet Up – YouTube

For those that could not attend the meeting and for our Snowbird Members up North, attached is my Dropbox link with all of the meeting slides. We want to include every one of our members in our activities and meetings understanding that everyone cannot make every meeting and event. Click on the link and you can be at our meeting too.   Please leave a message in the Meet Up Messages section to me (John Kapusta) if the link does not work.


Please visit and like our Facebook Page.  Yes, we also have a Facebook page with information, videos and the like!

SWF Shutter Bugs | Facebook

And, we also have a You Tube Page too!  Please visit, subscribe and like the many videos we have on the page.

SWFL ShutterBugs – YouTube

Also had the opportunity to share my recent North to Alaska cruise video.

North to Alaska July 2023 – YouTube


We encourage members to share their travel photos and or videos.  If you’d like to present at one of the meetings, send your request to our email address swflshutterbugs@gmail.com and we will place you on the agenda for the next meeting.  Suggest you bring a thumb drive so we can upload your presentation at the meeting.

Thank you to Kevin Boller for his presentation on the Use Compositional of Balance in Photography.  Here is the Dropbox link for those that want to view the presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptpeg10kw671qdp/Compositional%20Balance%20in%20Photography.pptx?dl=0

Next Month:  Our next meeting will be September 3rd at K&J Steakhouse in Fort Myers beginning at 9:30AM – a little teaser – Sam Arnold will give a presentation on “How to Clean Your Camera Sensor”.  and…Phil Krieg will present how his Bonsai Tree Cultivation hobby led to his hobby with photography!  Plus, we will have a presentation on image resizing!

See you then…stay tuned for more information on upcoming photo meet up venue events for August through December!

Best Regards and Happy Shooting,

Your Organizer Team

Deb, Sam, Fran, Doug, Kevin, Chris and John

Solomon’s Castle Meetup Saturday, July 16, 202210:00 AM



Hidden in the lush Florida woodlands is one man’s dream of paradise. Howard Solomon sculptor, artist and dream maker!

We will visit the home, galleries and workshop of internationally renowned artist Howard Solomon. We will tour the Castle, walk the beautiful nature trails and enjoy a delightful lunch at the Boat in the Moat Restaurant. Howard passed away a few years ago and today his children carry on their father’s legacy.

  • Plenty of phot opportunities at this place. Any type of camera and lens will work.
  • We will sign up for the next available tour upon arrival. Proceed to the Boat int he Moat restaurant after parking your vehicle to purchase tour tickets. Cash only no credit cards accepted. There is an ATM available.
  • Here is the link for tickets and other information:
  • Solomon’s Castle (solomonscastle.com)
  • We will reconvene at the Boat in the Moat restaurant for lunch at 12:30PM for lunch. Cash only
  • For anyone who would like to carpool, meet at Cracker Barrel off I75 in Fort Myers at 8:00AM. Drive time from this location is about 1hr 20 mins. 4260 Boatways Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33905


News from ShuttleBugs

Greetings Fellow Shutterbugs,

Two events coming up this weekend:

Saturday April 23rd – Intermediate Photo Class by Jim Deluco – meet at Lakes Park in Fort Myers at Pavillion A3. Parking is available for a fee. Make sure to pay for parking at the kiosk and display your receipt on the dash of your car.  More details and sign uop available at the following link:  Just for Fun – Intermediate Photography Class by Jim DeLuco, Sat, Apr 23, 2022, 10:00 AM | Meetup


Sunday April 24th – April Photo Contest – Found In the Sand – Your challenge for this contest is to find or create the best “found in the sand” photograph. The judging will be the viewing Shutterbugs who will judge your creation at the May 14th Brunch and Camera Meeting!
THERE IS NO LOCATION FOR THIS PHOTO CONTEST MEET UP – Your photos will be emailed to swflshutterbugs@gmail.com
Please DO NOT post your photo to the album.  More details and sign uop available at the following link:  April Photo Contest “Found In the Sand”, Sun, Apr 24, 2022, 7:00 PM | Meetup Your entry will be acknowledged by a return email “Thanks I Got It” If you do not receive an acknowledgement by Monday evening April 24th please resubmit or send an email to my email address:  john@kapusta.us

Video Slide Show Publications and July Events 2021

Hello fellow Shutter Bugs,We have posted the video slide show from our last two events:A Day at Naples ZooSWFL Shutter Bugs Photo Project #13 Moody Street PhotographyHere are the You Tube Links from our You Tube SWFL Shutterbug Channel:(12) A Day at Naples Zoo – SWFL Shutterbugs Talk to the Animals – YouTube(12) SWFL Shutterbugs Photo Project #13 – Moody Street Photography – YouTubePlease subscribe to the channel and also please rate the videos.  Thank you. The next LIVE Meet Up is Saturday July 17th @ 6PM – Fort Myers Beach Times Square, use the link for all the details and RSVP if you’d like to attendAn Evening at Times Square (Fort Myers Beach) | MeetupOur next Photo Project # 14 “Some Like It Hot” is due by 9PM on July 25th:Its Hot Down Summer in the City or Beach or Whatever! For this photo project show your best what’s hot. Use your creative imagination! Don’t limit yourself to the obvious…dig down in your creative mind and show us what’s hot in June and July.Use the link for all the details and RSVP if you’d like to  participate and submit your photos.  This is a virtual event, no physical location.  You have all the time needed to take your photos on your own and submit to the photo album.  All instructions are in the linkSome Like It Hot! June Photo Project #14 | MeetupJust announced!  Kevin Boller will be hosting a new Collaborative Photography event on Saturday, July 17th @ 1PM at Veterans Park in Lehigh Acres.  Go to the link for more information and to RSVP for this event.Collaborative Photography , Sat, Jul 17, 2021, 1:00 PM | Meetup
Best Regards and Happy Shooting,Your Organizer TeamLinda, Deb, Sam, Fran, Doug, Chris and John Find Us at:https://www.meetup.com/fortmyersshutterbugs/https://swflshutterbugs.com/https://www.facebook.com/SWFShutterBugshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxuIyI9_QNEmUmvnbd_LCw?view_as=public  

ICM Intentional Camera Movement – February 2021 Virtual Photo Meet Up Project

ICM Intentional Camera Movement – February Virtual Phot Meet Up Project

Hello Fellow Shutterbugs,

Our February Virtual Photo Meet Up Project is ICM

Intentional Camera Movement –

What is it?

ICM is both a technique and an artistic way of expression.

Used by photographers to capture a form of abstract art known as impressionism

Instead of using a tripod to keep the camera still, the photographer moves the camera in a panning motion to create motion blur while the camera’s shutter is open.

Using a slower shutter speed combined with a moderate panning motion provides best results

Selecting the lowest ISO on the camera is recommended.

There are no hard and fast rules. It is all about experimentation. Its not a “One Shot Deal”.

Video Links to assist you

Chris Stratton – ICM Video Intentional Camera Movement – YouTube

Andy Gray  ICM Photography – SUNSET on the LONGEST DAY at Dunstanburgh | ICM

Photography – YouTube

Suggest you watch both videos to get comfortable with the techniques.  Then go out there and shoot and have fun!  Photos can be posted in the ICM Photo Album at the Meet Up site

Instructions on the event page – Virtual Photo Meet Up #11 February – ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) | Meetup

Photos due in the album by Sunday, March 21st  2021 by 9PM

Best Regards and Happy Shooting,

Your Organizer Team

Linda, Deb, Sam, Fran, Doug, Chris and John

Saturday Meet Up Meeting Recap Feb 20/2021

Good Day Fellow Shutterbugs,

Thank you to all attendees that braved a cool morning meeting at Lakes Park.  A warm welcome to our newest members Angela and Deen!

Video slide productions of the HDE Photo Project as well as the Six Mile Cypress Photo Meet Up were enjoyed by the group.  Both videos will be posted today at the SWF Florida Shutterbugs You Tube Channel – SWFL ShutterBugs – YouTube

Yes we do have a You Tube Channel,  please visit and subscribe.  All SWF Shutterbugs Video Slides will be available on the channel.

Video Links:

A Walk in the Slough – YouTube

January Virtual Photo Meet Up Project HDR Spectacular – YouTube

Don’t Forget our March Events!:

•March 13th Basic Beginners Class – Jim DeLuco Lakes Park Pavilion A -3 Start time 9AM to Noon RSVP on Meet Up Site

•March 13th Mission BBQ Picnic – Lakes Park Pavilion B-3 12noon – 5PM RSVP by March 6th for headcount – Members can bring a guest!

•March 20th – LIVE Photo Meet Up – Everglades Wonder Gardens

Purchase tickets and make reservation online plus RSVP at Meet Up site. Thank you.

Bonita Wonder Gardens Homepage – Everglades Wonder Gardens

•March 21st Outdoor Portraiture Class –Jim DeLuco Lakes Park Pavilion A-4 Start Time 9AM -12Noon Open to max of 11 members

RSVP on Meet Up Site

•March 21st IMA Intentional Camera Motion photos due in Photo Album on Meet Up Site by 9PM

ICM _ Internal Camera Motion Photo Project for February – details on a separate email stray tuned!

April Events:

•Next Live Meet Up Meeting April 10th Pavilion A-4 start time 10AM

Best Regards and Happy Shooting,

Your Organizer Team

Linda, Deb, Sam, Fran, Doug, Chris and John